
Chiropractic Neuropathy in Carmel, IN

Function First is a leading chiropractic clinic dedicated to providing top-quality care and treatment for neuropathy patients. Our experienced and highly trained chiropractors in Carmel, IN specializes in diagnosing, treating, and managing neuropathy symptoms, helping our patients achieve optimal health and wellness.

Common Symptoms of Neuropathy

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Significant Back Pain

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Pain in the Face or Hands

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Typically Occurs at Night

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Cramping & Muscle Weakness

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Difficulty Walking or with Coordination

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Reduced Sensation of Touch

Top Rated Local® Neuropathy Treatment

Neuropathy, also known as peripheral neuropathy, describes any condition that impacts nerve activity within the peripheral nervous system. This can be relieved through neuropathy treatment. The peripheral nervous system connects the brain and spinal cord — the central nervous system — to the rest of the body.

The peripheral nervous system comprises three nerves: sensory, motor, and autonomic. Sensory nerves transmit messages through the spinal cord to the brain. Motor nerves transmit messages from the brain to muscles. Autonomic nerves control bodily functions such as blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, and digestion. Neuropathy occurs when nerve cells are damaged or destroyed.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Function First in Carmel, IN, is dedicated to providing patients with neuropathy treatment that targets the nervous system to treat common problems such as neuropathy — which is estimated to affect around 25 to 30 percent of Americans.

Neuropathy Statistics

  • Neuropathy affects 60% to 70% of people with diabetes.
  • Around 30% to 40% of people who receive chemotherapy to treat cancer develop neuropathy.
  • Roughly 30% of people who have HIV experience neuropathy.

Our chiropractors are specifically trained in the proper techniques to gently adjust the body to promote nerve function and alleviate pressure from nerves that are not functioning correctly.

Contact Function First Today!

Just because you suffer from neuropathy doesn’t mean you have to accept the pain, discomfort, numbness, or other symptoms forever. Your case may be curable through neuropathy treatment and, at the very least, can be relieved through expert chiropractic care.

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